This site allows you to zoom in and see every inch of him up close (if you've been dying to know what his toes look like when your face is shoved into them, this is your chance). It also has an option to view his tattoos under UV light as well as a 3D viewing of the mummy, but since I don't have 3D glasses I wasn't able to test that out. The best part is that it's free! Here's part of the intro page explaining the project:
This project represents a significant scientific contribution to the study and dissemination of knowledge on the oldest wet and natural mummy in the world. The current preservation conditions of the mummy prevent the wider public from getting close to it. This project, however, will allow an in-depth virtual contact without compromising the sensitive preservation conditions. The objective is to provide an opportunity for the public to discover and study a cultural heritage, unique in the world. In order to ensure the greatest possible access a modern website, which does not require any type of installation or subscription fee, has been set up.Now, this site has been up for a few years so it's not exactly news. However, it's a new find to me and I'm excited! I think this is a brilliant idea and I'm so glad that they're sharing this with the world. Play around with it, it's fascinating!
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